Note from the future: Tensorflow has had several updates since this post was originally published, meaning some information may be outdated.

The release of Tensorflow 2.0 is supposedly around the corner (at the time of writing, the current version is rc0), and with it comes the promise of a more streamlined and intuitive API through things like full Keras integration and eager execution. However, new ways of doing things also bring new problems. In this post, I want to summarize some common issues along with ways to avoid or fix them. Most of these come from own experience or questions on Stackoverflow. It is intended mostly as a compendium for new users and people taking our classes, but perhaps others can profit as well. Note that I might update this post in the future if more things come up (or there might be a part 2 instead)!


tf.function promises to make the switch between eager and graph mode easy – develop, prototype and debug in eager execution and then slap on this decorator for production-level performance. That’s the idea – in practice, there are so many quirks with this thing that one could write a whole series of posts on this alone – and in fact people have done so already. That link points to a three-part post discussing this topic at length. I highly recommend reading it in detail, but I want to include some “highlights” here:

Function arguments: Tensors vs Python types

To understand this issue, note what a tf.function-decorated function actually does under the hood: The first time it is called, it is compiled into a graph, and then any other time the function will simply execute the graph instead – the Python function is basically “ignored”. Consider this simple example:

def fun():



As we can see, the print statement is only executed once even though we called the function twice – it doesn’t make it into the compiled function.

This is, however, not the full story: Actually, the function is compiled once for each input signature instead. This has dramatic implications if the function accepts Python numeric types, where each new value actually leads to a new input signature!! If this sounds a bit complicated, just consider the following example:

import time

def fun(x, step):
    return 5*x

start = time.time()
for step in range(1000):
    dummy_fun(0, step)
stop = time.time()



The function is compiled anew every time it is called with a new step count (which is every time we call it)! This will slow down execution dramatically. Luckily, the fix is simple: Use tensors for such “changing values” instead, where different values do not count for a new input signature.

start = time.time()
for step in tf.range(1000):
    dummy_fun(0, step)
stop = time.time()



So, whenever your decorated functions are conspicuously slow (especially if they become slower after adding the decorator), you might want to check your input parameters for Python numbers! Note that this is a fairly common scenario as we may use step counters to control stuff like learning rate decay, saving a model regularly etc.1


Gradient tapes are a new kind of abstraction in TF 2.0. They basically replace tf.gradient. The idea is: With eager execution, there is no static computational graph, meaning no way to trace computations and thus no way to do backpropagation. Gradient tapes offer a way to temporarily trace computations as needed so that we can still use TF’s symbolic differentiation capabilities (it would be pretty useless otherwise!). Once again, however, it’s easy to run into problems…

Collecting variables before they exist

In TF 1.x, there is the concept of collections that globally keep track of things like trainable variables. In TF 2.0, this doesn’t exist anymore: You need to keep track of your variables yourself. Often, you will do this via tf.keras.Model instances, which have a convenient trainable_variables property. Consider this:

model = tf.keras.Sequential([tf.keras.layers.Dense(10)])
var_list = model.trainable_variables

>>>ValueError: Weights for model sequential_1 have not yet been created. Weights
>>>are created when the Model is first called on inputs or `build()` is called 
>>>with an `input_shape`.

Whoops! The model was never built, so there are no variables. In the current version this leads to a crash, but older pre-releases actually executed perfectly fine – but model.trainable_variables would be empty! This would mean that your fancy training loop just went through computing gradients for and updating no variables at all… Thus, make sure you only ever use variable stores of your fully-built models:

model = tf.keras.Sequential([tf.keras.layers.Dense(10)]), 784))  # for MNIST ;)
var_list = model.trainable_variables

Alternatively, always using model.trainable_variables explicitly (instead of a shortcut assignment like above) can also prevent mistakes, but it can be cumbersome in some situations.

Optimizing things that are not variables

A common question is this: I want to find gradients with respect to the input to my network, e.g. to find how sensitive the predictions are to certain parts of the input, with the network itself staying fixed. I tried this but it doesn’t work:

input_ = ...  # just get a tensor from somewhere
model = ...  # same for the model

with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
    # let's say we are interested in the class with index 7
    logits_seven = model(input_)[:, 7]
grad_for_inp = tape.gradient(logits_seven, input_)



The issue lies with what kind of computations GradientTape actually traces: By default, it will store all computations related to any tf.Variable it comes across, and nothing else. In particular, since your network input is usually just a Tensor and not stored in a variable, related computations are not traced and so no gradients can be computed.2 Once again, the fix is actually really simple: You need to tell the tape what to trace (or “watch”)!

with tf.GradientTape(watch_accessed_variables=False) as tape:
    logits_seven = model(input_)[:, 7]
grad_for_inp = tape.gradient(logits_seven, input_)


>>>[[[[ 0.03662432 -0.0254075   0.06999005]
>>>   [ 0.00372662 -0.0231829   0.01369272]
>>>   [-0.06823001 -0.0217168  -0.02034823]
>>>   ...

Note that I passed an extra parameter to tell the tape not to trace the variables it comes across (i.e. all the model parameters). This isn’t necessary for correctness, but should make the whole thing a little more efficient.

Doing “computations” outside the tape context

Here’s the example from above again:

with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
    logits = model(input_)
grad_for_eight = tape.gradient(logits[:, 7], input_)



It broke again! What happened? Note that this time, I do the indexing into the “interesting” class outside of the gradient tape context. This means that the tape basically loses track of where this tensor came from and cannot compute the gradients anymore. As a rule of thumb, anything you put into tape.gradient should come straight out of the tape context without any modifications! Another common example would be when you have multiple losses (e.g. classification and regularization losses) and add them to a “total loss” outside the tape context. This won’t work!


Keras is “the” high-level interface in TF 2.0, and it is arguably much more convenient than the cumbersome Estimator interface or chaining tf.layers. But once again, it does not come without pitfalls…

Choosing the wrong variables to optimize

If using batch normalization, you might get strange warnings like this one:

>>>W0924 09:53:23.799460 140659773245184] Gradients d does not 
>>>exist for variables ['batch_normalization_1/moving_mean:0', 
>>>'batch_normalization_1/moving_variance:0'] when minimizing the loss.

Looking at the code, it may well include something like this:

grads = tape.gradient(xent, model.variables)
optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, model.variables))

This can be subtle: We are using model.variables instead of trainable_variables. These are different! variables stores anything that has a “state” that needs to be stored over the course of time. In the case of batchnorm, this includes the “population statistics” batchnorm uses during inference (instead of minibatch statistics). These are not used during training and so no gradients can be computed (and you wouldn’t want this anyway!).

There are of course other cases besides batchnorm, but the root cause is often the same: You are including variables in your optimization procedure that have no business of being there. Often, using model.trainable_variables can fix this.

Using numpy where you shouldn’t

Keras models have functionality that allows us to easily execute the full model in a single line. How about this (re-using an example from above)?

with tf.GradientTape(watch_accessed_variables=False) as tape:
    logits_seven = model.predict(input_)[:, 7]
grad_for_inp = tape.gradient(logits_seven, input_)


>>>AttributeError: 'numpy.dtype' object has no attribute 'is_floating'

Why does this fail? All we wanted to do was the forward pass of the model. It turns out that model.predict returns a numpy array, and this quite literally interrupts the “tensor flow”, meaning no gradients can be computed either.3 Instead, make sure to always use Keras models as callables as in the examples above. This still holds if you try to be smart and “just go back to Tensorflow” again:

with tf.GradientTape(watch_accessed_variables=False) as tape:
    logits_seven = model.predict(input_)[:, 7]
    logits = tf.convert_to_tensor(logits)
grad_for_inp = tape.gradient(logits_seven, input_)



Do note that this applies to anything involving numpy arrays – gradients cannot propagate through these operations!! This has always been the case, but is arguably a bigger problem in TF 2.0 where it is so tempting to mix between eager execution and numpy arrays.

  1. In this case, simply removing the decorator and using Python’s range actually results in fastest performance (only 0.0006 seconds). It seems like in this simple case, the overhead from even the first function compilation as well as handling GPU data transfer with tf.range is too much. Sometimes it can pay off to stay eager! 

  2. This is likely another case where raising an error would be preferable, but currently it just returns None as a gradient…. 

  3. Although to be precise, this specific error is due to a different reason.