Deadline: November 22nd, 9am
Building on the last assignment, this time we want to iron out some of the issues that were left. In particular:
The notebook associated with the practical exercise can be found on E-Learning.
In the last assignment, we padded all sequences to the longest one in the dataset because we need “rectangular” input tensors. However, at the end of the day, only each batch of inputs needs to be the same length. If the longest sequence in a batch has length 150, the other sequences need only be padded to that length, not the longest in the whole dataset!
Thus, if we can find a way to delay the padding after we have formed batches, we can
gain some efficiency. Unfortunately, we cannot even create a
to apply batching to!
Luckily, there are other ways to create datasets. We will be using from_generator
which allows for creating datasets from elements returned by arbitrary Python
generators. Even better, there is also a padded_batch
transformation function
which batches inputs and pads them to the longest length in the batch (what
would happen if we tried the regular batch
method?). See the notebook for a
usage example!
Note: Tensorflow also has RaggedTensor
. These are special tensors allowing
different shapes per element. You can find a guide
here. You could directly
create a dataset from_tensor_slices
by supplying a ragged tensor, which is
arguably easier than using a generator. Unfortunately, ragged tensors are not
supported by padded_batch
. Sad!
However, many tensorflow operations support ragged tensors, so padding can
become unnecessary in many places! You can check the guide for an example with a
Keras model. You can try this approach if you want, but for the rest of the
assignment we will continue with the padded batches (the ragged version will likely
be very slow).
There is still a problem with the above approach. In our dataset, there are many short sequences and few very long ones. Unfortunately, it is very likely that all (or most) batches contain at least one rather long sequence. That means that all the other (short) sequences have to be padded to the long one! Thus, in the worst case, our per-batch padding might only gain us very little. It would be great if there was a way to sort the data such that only sequences of a similar length are grouped in a batch… Maybe there is something in the notebook?
Note: If you truncated sequences to a relatively small value, like 200, bucketing may provide little benefit. The reason is that there will be so many sequences at the exact length 200 that the majority of batches will belong to this bucket. However, if you decide to allow a larger value, say length 500, bucketing should become more and more effective (noticeable via shorter time spent per batch).
Previously, we represented words by one-hot vectors. This is wasteful in terms of memory, and also the matrix products in our deep models will be very inefficient. It turns out, multiplying a matrix with a one-hot vector simply extracts the corresponding column from the matrix.
Keras offers an Embedding
layer for an efficient implementation. Use this
instead of the one-hot operation! Note that the layer adds additional parameters,
however it can actually result in fewer parameters overall if you choose a small
enough embedding size (recall the lecture discussion on using linear hidden
Keras offers various RNN layers. These layers take an entire 3d batch of inputs
(batch x time x features
) and return either a complete output sequence, or only
the final output time step. There are two ways to use RNNs:
etc.). The cells are then put
into the RNN
layer which wraps them in a loop over time.LSTM
which already wrap the corresponding cell.While the first approach gives more flexibility (we could define our own cells), it is highly recommended that you stick with the second approach, as this provides highly optimized implementations for common usage scenarios. Check the docs for the conditions under which these implementations can be used!
Once you have an RNN layer, you can use ist just like other layers, e.g. in
a sequential model. Maybe you have an embedding layer, followed by an LSTM,
followed by a dense layer that produces the final output. Now, you can easily
create stacked RNNs (just put multiple RNN layers one after the other), use
RNNs, etc. Also try LSTMs vs GRUs!
One method to prevent new states being computed on padded time steps is by
using a mask. A mask is a binary tensor with shape (batch x time)
with 1s
representing “real” time steps and 0s representing padding. Given such a mask,
the state computation can be “corrected” like this:
new_state = mask_at_t * new_state + (1 - mask_at_t) * old_state
Where the mask is 1, the new state will be used. Where it is 0, the old state will be propagated instead!
Masking with Keras is almost too simple: Pass the argument mask_zero=True
your embedding layer (the constructor, not the call)! You can read more about
masking here. The
short version is that tensors can carry a mask as an attribute, and Keras
layers can be configured to use and/or modify these masks in some way. Here,
the embedding layer “knows” to create a mask such that 0 inputs (remember that index
0 encodes padding) are masked as False
, and the RNN layers are implemented to
perform something like the formula above.
Add masking to your model! The result should be much faster learning
(in terms of steps needed to reach a particular performance, not time),
in particular
with post
padding (the only kind of padding supported by padded_batch
). The
effect will be more dramatic the longer your sequences are.
Implement the various improvements outlined in this assignment. Experiment with adding them one by one and judge the impact (on accuracy, training time, convenience…) of each. You can also carry out “ablation” studies where you take the full model with all improvements, and remove them one at a time to judge their impact.
You can also try using higher or smaller vocabulary sizes and maximum sequence lengths and investigate the impact of these parameters!
If for some reason you are not using Keras RNN layers, but rather your own loops
over time, there are a few more things to be aware of when using tf.function
and the final batch in the dataset (which can be smaller than the others). If you
receive strange errors about unknown data shapes, you can set drop_remainder=True
or use regular padded_batch
instead of
is re-compiled every time it receives an input with a different
“signature”. This is defined as the shape and data type of the tensor. When every
batch has a different sequence length, this causes the training loop to be
re-compiled every step. You can fix this by supplying an input_signature
– please check the API docs. You can also pass experimental_relax_shapes=True
instead, although this seems to be a little less effective.