Reading Assignment 2: Partition Function & RBMs
From the Deep Learning Book - Chapter 18: Confronting the Partition Function, please read these sections:
- Sections 18, 18.1, 18.2 & 18.3 with focus on:
- What are positive and negative phase of learning?
- Which role does the partition function play in learning generative models?
- How do we avoid to compute the partition function directly and why is it possible to do this?
- How does Contrastive Divergence (CD) work and what (dis)advantages does this method have?
- How does Persistent Contrastive Divergence (PCD) work and what (dis)advantages does this method have?
- What is the relation between PCD and Stochastic Maximum Likelihood?
- What is the idea behind Pseudolikelihood?
- Sections 18.7 & 18.7.1 (no details necessary):
- What are possible ways of estimating the partition function?
- What is the idea of Annealed Importance Sampling (AIS)?
For the actual application of these techniques, please read these sections from the Deep Learning Book - Chapter 20: Deep Generative Models:
- Sections 20 - 20.2 with focus on:
- What are the Energy functions of a Boltzmann Machine (BM) and a Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM)?
- How would the partition function of an RBM be computed?
- What makes sampling in an RBM efficient?
- What is the sampling procedure and how does it relate to MCMC?
- How can BMs and RBMs be trained?
- Where are the connections between training an RBM and the concepts of chapter 18 (partition function, CD/PCD, AIS)
More optional material about (R)BM training: