Assignment 2: Let the Tensors Board? & also

Deadline: October 30th, 9am

Visualizing the learning progress as well as the behavior of a deep model is extremely useful (if not necessary) for troubleshooting in case of unexpected outcomes (or just bad results). In this assignment, you will get to know TensorBoard, Tensorflow’s built-in visualization suite, and use it to diagnose some common problems with training deep models. Note: TensorBoard seems to work best with Chrome-based browsers. Other browsers may take a very long time to load, or not display the data correctly.

First Steps with TensorBoard

As before, you will need to do some extra reading to learn how to use TensorBoard. There are several tutorials on the Tensorflow website, accessed via Resources -> Tools. However, they use many high-level concepts we haven’t looked at yet to build their networks, so you can find the basics here. This is a modified version of last week’s linear model that includes some lines to do TensorBoard visualizations. It should suffice for now. Integrate these lines into your MLP from the last assignment to make sure you get it to work! Basic steps are just:

Later, we will also see how to use TensorBoard to visualize the computation graph of a model.

Finally, check out the github readme for more information on how to use the TensorBoard app itself (first part of the “Usage” section is outdated – this is not how you create a file writer anymore).

Note: You don’t need to hand in any of the above – just make sure you get TensorBoard to work.

Diagnosing Problems via Visualization

Download this archive containing a few Python scripts. All these contain simple MLP training scripts for MNIST. All of them should also fail at training. For each example, find out through visualization why this is. Also, try to propose fixes for these issues. You may want to write summaries every training step. Normally this would be too much (and slow down your program), however it can be useful for debugging.


It should go without saying that loading numpy arrays and taking slices of these as batches isn’t a great way of providing data to the training algorithm. For example, what if we are working with a dataset that doesn’t fit into memory?

The recommended way of handling datasets is via the module. Now is a good time to take some first steps with this module. Read the Programmer’s Guide section on this. You can ignore the parts on high-level APIs as well as anything regarding TFRecords and tf.Example (we will get to these later) as well as specialized topics involving time series etc. If this is still too much text for you, here is a super short version that just covers building a dataset from numpy arrays (ignore the part where they use Keras ;)). For now, the main thing is that you understand how to do just that.
Then, try to adjust your MLP code so that it uses to provide minibatches instead of the class in Keep in mind that you should map the data into the [0,1] range and convert the labels to int32!

Due to “popular” demand, here you can find a little notebook that displays some basic stuff (also for MNIST).

Note that the Tensorflow guide often uses the three operations shuffle, batch and repeat. Think about how the results differ when you change the order of these operations (there are six orderings in total). You can experiment with a simple Dataset.range dataset. What do you think is the most sensible order?

What to Hand In


Like last week, play around with the parameters of your networks. Use Tensorboard to get more information about how some of your choices affect behavior. For example, you could compare the long-term behavior of saturating functions such as tanh with relu, how the gradients vary for different architectures etc.

If you want to get deeper into the data processing side of things, check the Performance Guide.