Assignment 1: Let the Tensors Flow

Deadline: October 23rd, 9am

In this assignment, you will implement and train your first deep model on a well-known image classification task. You will also familiarize yourself with the Tensorflow library we will be using for this course.

General Assignment Notes

Setting Up

To work on your own machine

Install Python (3.x) if you haven’t done so, and install Tensorflow 2.0. This should be as simple as writing

pip install tensorflow

in your console. This will install the CPU version; for now, there is no need to bother with the GPU version since you will usually use your own machine only for development and small tests.

If you want to do everything in Colab (see below), you don’t need to install Tensorflow yourself.

Google Colab

Google Colab is a platform to facilitate teaching of machine learning/deep learning. There are tutorials available on-site. Essentially, it is a Jupyter notebook environment with GPU-supported Tensorflow available.

If you want to, you can develop your assignments within this environment. See below for some notes. However, we ask that all of you hand in their assignments via Colab (see end of the assignment). Notebooks support Markup, so you can also write some text about what your code does, your observations etc. This is a really good idea!

Running code on Colab should be fairly straightforward; there are tutorials available in case you are not familiar with notebooks. There are just some caveats:

Tensorflow Basics

NOTE: The Tensorflow docs went through significant changes recently. In particular, most introductory articles were changed from using low-level interfaces to high-level ones (particularly Keras). We believe it’s better to start with low-level interfaces that force you to program every step of building/training a model yourself. This way, you actually need to understand what is happening in the code. High-level interfaces do a lot of “magic” under the hood. We will proceed to these interfaces after you learn the basics.

Get started with Tensorflow. There are many tutorials on diverse topics on the website, as well as an API documentation. The following should suffice for now:

Linear Model for MNIST

MNIST is a collection of handwritten digits and a popular (albeit by now trivialized) benchmark for image classification models. You will see it A LOT.

Go through this basic MNIST tutorial we wrote just for you! It’s a logistic (softmax) regression “walkthrough” both in terms of concepts and code. You will of course be tempted to just copy this code; please make sure you understand what each line does.

Play around with the example code snippets. Change them around and see if you can predict what’s going to happen. Make sure you understand what you’re dealing with!

Note: If you copy/paste this into Colab, make sure to set the TF version to 2.x first!!

Building A Deep Model

If you followed the tutorial linked above, you have already built a linear classification model. Next, turn this into a deep model by adding a hidden layer between inputs and outputs. To do so, you will need to add an additional set of weights and biases (after having chosen a size for the layer) as well as an activation function.
There you go! You have created a Multilayer Perceptron. Hint: Initializing variables to 0 will not work for multilayer perceptrons. You need to initialize values randomly instead (e.g. random_uniform between -0.1 and 0.1). Why do you think this is the case?

Next, you should explore this model: Experiment with different hidden layer sizes, activation functions or weight initializations. See if you can make any observations on how changing these parameters affects the model’s performance. Going to extremes can be very instructive here. Make some plots!

Also, reflect on the Tensorflow interface: If you followed the tutorials you were asked to, you have been using a very low-level approach to defining models as well as their training and evaluation. Which of these parts do you think should be wrapped in higher-level interfaces? Do you feel like you are forced to provide any redundant information when defining your model? Any features you are missing so far?


There are numerous ways to explore your model some more. For one, you could add more hidden layers and see how this affects the model. You could also try your hand at some basic visualization and model inspection: For example, visualize some of the images your model classifies incorrectly. Can you find out why your model has trouble with these?

You may also have noticed that MNIST isn’t a particularly interesting dataset – even very simple models can reach very high accuracy and there isn’t much “going on” in the images. Luckily, Zalando Research has developed Fashion MNIST. This is a more interesting dataset with the exact same structure as MNIST, meaning you can use it without changing anything about your code. You can get it by simply using tf.keras.datasets.fashion_mnist instead of regular MNIST.
You can attempt pretty much all of the above suggestions for this dataset as well!

How to Hand In Your Assignment

In general, you should prepare a notebook (.ipynb file) with your solution. The notebook should contain sufficient outputs that show your code working, i.e. we should not have to run your code to verify that you solved the task. You can use markdown cells to add some text, e.g. to document interesting observations you made or problems you ran into.

Hand in your notebook via Moodle until the deadline specified at the very beginning. Just upload your solution file(s) for the corresponding assignment.

Note: You cannot hand in anything until you are in a “group”. We will put you in a group by yourself ASAP as soon as you are signed up for the class in Moodle. If you want to be in a group with other people (up to three), contact Jens! These groups should stay intact unless people drop out of the class etc.

What to hand in this time